While some professions have more applicants than jobs, Florida’s nursery and landscape industry has lots of different types of jobs available many students don’t even know exist!
FNGLA President Will Womack invites students across Florida to FNGLA’s Horticulture Career Fair during The Landscape Show in Orlando Friday, Oct. 5, 2018.
“As the new president of the FNGLA, I travel our state extensively,” says Womack. “The top three issues our members speak to me about are labor, labor, and labor!”
Finding qualified employees is the biggest challenge for FNGLA members, and the greatest opportunity for individuals seeking entry in our industry, according to Womack, who emphasizes, “you will get hired!”
Businesses and educators will be on hand at the Career Fair to visit with students before and after the presentation which runs from 10 to 11 a.m.
“I highly encourage any and all young folks to visit our show and, more importantly, very seriously consider a career in our wonderful profession,” says Womack.
Contact Merry Mott to register your class to attend the FNGLA Horticulture Career Fair and experience The Landscape Show.
Looking for a job in Florida's nursery and landscape industry? Check out FNGLA's Job board.