Who We Are


As the nation's largest state nursery and landscape association, FNGLA represents Florida's environmental horticulture industry which generated $31.4 billion total output sales in 2020 and directly employed 266,000+ people. Through FNGLA's efforts, the entirety of Florida's nursery and landscape industry benefits!

FNGLA dates back to 1952 and today is a vibrant network of professionals who work in unison to shape the future of Florida's nursery and landscape industry. Through the association's activities, FNGLA strives to advance member's business interests and enhance their success.

FNGLA is a member-driven association that recognizes the need for individual industry members to unify. FNGLA works to better the industry, raising the bar on professionalism by spearheading marketing programs, providing promotional and educational venues for members, taking a leadership role in protecting and promoting our members' business interests, communicating the latest industry issues and providing professional accreditation to interested individuals.

Code of Ethics

  • To regard the nursery industry as an honorable and necessary profession, and to conduct myself and my business in such a manner as to enhance the standing of my vocation in its public appearance.
  • To deal fairly and justly with my customers and to condemn all forms of practices which tend to discredit the nursery industry or injure its public relations.
  • To strive constantly and assiduously to improve my qualifications and proficiency in the industry and thereby merit the approbation and esteem of others.
  • To adhere to the Bylaws of the Association and to foster its objectives.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the future of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry.

Vision Statement

Ensuring the vitality and future of Florida’s green industry and the environment with FNGLA as the recognized leader and trusted resource.

Values Statement

The following core principles guide the governance and management of FNGLA:

  • Organizational Excellence
  • Member-Focus
  • Collaboration and Partnerships
  • Leadership in Agriculture
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Environmental Stewardship

Strategic Goals

POWERFUL ADVOCACY - FNGLA will be the political leader representing Florida environmental horticulture and agriculture at the local, state and federal levels.

INFLUENTIAL PUBLIC RELATIONS & MARKETING - FNGLA will be the leader in communicating the importance of the environmental horticulture industry in the State of Florida.

EXTRAORDINARY TRADE SHOWS - FNGLA will provide exceptional trade shows in which members and the industry can meet for commerce, training and inspiration.

CUTTING-EDGE EDUCATION & CERTIFICATION - FNGLA will be the trusted resource for industry education, research and certification.

IMPACTFUL RESEARCH - FNGLA will invest research dollars on projects which provide real world solutions to industry issues.

DYNAMIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION - FNGLA will be the leader in offering relevant and cutting-edge programs, benefits and services to recruit and retain members and a model for governing and managing a highly effective association.

FNGLA Structure

FNGLA is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of member-elected representatives from our 14 active Chapters, 7 Divisions, and 4 statewide officers -- namely a President, President-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. FNGLA's professional staff of 15 keeps the state association running efficiently.

FNGLA Chapters are the lifeline of the Association. Through their representatives, FNGLA members learn about the issues affecting different parts of the state and plans accordingly. FNGLA Chapter Presidents are elected by their Chapters to preside over Chapter meetings. Chapters are organized geographically with one vote per active chapter on FNGLA's Board of Directors.

FNGLA's Seven Divisions meet the needs of specific industry segments; Allied, Foliage, Floriculture, Garden Center, Landscape, Woody, Citrus Nursery. Divisions operate by having up to nine members represent each segment that form the Division Leaders.

Although the president may appoint Special Committees at any time, the following is a list of FNGLA's 10 Standing Committees and the purposes for which they were formed.

2021-2022 Year-in-Review

FNGLA Year-in-Review

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Economic Impact

2022-Economic-Impact-of-Florida s-Nursery-and-Landscape-Industry-page.1

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FNGLA Member Map


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